Our Solar Heart

Our Home

Looking back at photos of either of James or Tracy as children there was often an animal with us outside in a country setting. We have a deep love of nature and this has shaped the way we steward our little corner of West Dorset. We built our Eco home in 2008.The concept of the home was to absorb the sun coming into the house through its south facing windows and retain this warmth as the house's principle heat source. With its generous veranda the house remains shaded in the summer but sunny in the winter. This technique of harvested heat from the sun has been used in a number of Scandinavian countries for many years and we are pleased to say it is now becoming better understood in the UK. With all our views to the south our upside down house allows us to really appreciate them.

Green Energy

When you stay with us your electricity is carbon free! For several years all the electricity used on the farm has come from renewable sources. This is either from our own solar PV cells or from our green electricity supplier. Since 2022 our PV solar array has grown by 200% and has battery storage to increase our capacity to cover night times. This means we generate the majority of our electricity. The majority of our summers hot water is from solar tubes.

EV Charging Available

In the car park there is a dedicated space for EV charging. If you wish to use this talk to us on arrival and we will make this available to you. There is a charge per unit.

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