Distance 5.4km

Elevation gain 233m

Pub The Anchor Inn at Seatown

This is a popular walk, and it is not hard to see why. It starts from the National Trust car park between Morcombelake and Seatown in the midst of a beautiful hilltop woodland. From here the walk is a relatively gentle slope to the top of Golden Cap.

However, if you leave the carpark and head towards Golden Cap there is the option to take the left towards Seatown. It is worth the diversion. In Seatown is the multi award winning Anchor Inn. It stocks the local brew from Palmers and serves great pub food. Highly recommended.

This is virtually at the shore line, so from here the only way is up. Golden Cap is the highest point on the south coast, so expect a climb. However with this climb comes a great view. From the highest point you can see all the way to the isle of Portland to the eat, and around past Lyme Regis to the west. It is a great walk if you want a little bit of a stretch, and blow the cobwebs away, plus some superb local food!

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