
Other than crossing 3 roads all bridlepaths and fields

Suitable for horses


1 hour

Start from the farm

Easy walk but boots needed in winter

Turn right up a bridleway just past Pear Tree Farm
The Bridleway is short and straight passing through a hazel copse
Keeping the hedgerow on your right
Exit the field directly opposite the bridleway sign seen to your right and turn left onto the track. The Donkey Sanctuary is just to your right
Go diagonally across the field to the gate in the far left corner
The bridleway goes off to the left and is signposted Beaminster Bottom
Go through the small gate to the left into the adjoining field
Keep following the hedge on the left towards the bottom of the field
Close to the bottom of the field there is a small gate into an adjoining field - go through this gate. You are nearly home!
Keep the hedge on your right for a short distance until there is a gap in the hedge taking you into the adjoining field
After a short distance keeping the hedge on your left the track becomes concrete.
At the end of this track go through the gate and you will be on the road opposite the farm. Turn left and our entrance is a short distance on the right.

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